Brittany puppies from our 2020 litter have gone to their new homes.
Puppy Testing
Thanks to Lauren Alexander for helping BliZZard (formerly Leif) to look his best at the 7 week show evaluation. And it was a heck of a lot of fun!

Puppy Handbook
This booklet contains essential information about bringing home your 8-week old puppy.
DOWNLOAD PDFPlaying Outside
Research showed that puppies who perform stairs before 6 months may have a higher risk of hip dysplasia. But there are protective effects when puppies navigate varying terrains outdoors.
5-Weeks Old
Personalities are more evident. Socialization continues and puppies' running and balance are much improved.

4-Weeks Old
We're providing extra socialization, including car trips, visitors and firing the capgun. They're learning to run, climb, balance and tug. We've bathed, clipped, filed and dremeled nails. Puppies are eating ground up puppy food and baby food as a treat. After playing in the sun, the puppies took a nap under a tree.

Scent Introduction & Early Neurological Stimulation
We've been introducing new scents to the puppies daily, including grouse and duck, and doing Early Neurological Stimulation. Learn more on our blog, Building the Brains of Newborn Puppies.
Are You Prepared for Bringing Home Your New Puppy?
You're invited to our newest online course, featuring cameos by your puppy and ZZ's 2020 litter! The course is free during beta testing. It starts now, and we'll continue to roll out content in the months to come.
Thanks to the families who requested tips on shopping for supplies. If you have any questions about raising puppies, type them in the contents at the bottom of a lesson and we'll do our best to answer.
Sign Up

3-Weeks Old
The puppies can see and hear now. While their teeth are starting to erupt, puppies are still exclusively drinking milk. Their dam is spending more time out of the whelping box, leaving the puppies to start escaping and exploring their world more independently. They play with each other and human visitors.

2-Weeks Old
Most of the time, it's peaceful in the nursery. But the puppies are starting to bark and interact with each other more. Their eyes and ears are just starting to open.

Weights Doubled
In their first week, newborn puppies use their noses to find milk, eat, sleep in a pile, and grow. We weigh the puppies daily to monitor growth. It's not as easy as it sounds. Buzz Aldrin's weight has doubled and he's ready to explore farther.
Who will be the first to escape the whelping box when their eyes open?
Puppies Have Arrived
On June 30, 2020, ZZ whelped 8 healthy, orange and white puppies, including 6 boys and 2 girls. Introducing: Annie Smith Peck, Buzz Aldrin, Nellie Bly, Jacques Cartier, Roald Amundsen, Ernest Shackleton, John Cabot, and Leif Erikson.
More Photos on Facebook

Puppies Due June 29, 2020
ZZ was bred to Finn and puppies are due June 29. Puppies will be able to go to their new homes at the end of August.
Here's a video of the young couple meeting and playing together.
The Sire is: Finn
National Specialty Winner GCH Islandview Finn Mccool FDJ
Breeder: Deanna Deblois
Owner: Kelly Francis

The Dam is: ZZ
Hunter’s Heart She’s Got Legs is an enthusiastic bed bug detection dog. We're expecting puppies with keen noses who are eager to please partners for dogsports and pets.

Grand Dam: BB
HuntersHeart Black Betty NC NI NE PTE AGNJ
- Bed bug detection dog
- Canada's #4 agility Brittany
- National High in Trial Agility

Grand Sire: Boo
CH HuntersHeart RedDevil Fantome FDJ CGN AN SGDC SDS-SP TOG MN EV EC EI
- Bed bug detection dog
- Multi High in Trial Nosework
- Field tested
- Canada's #2 agility Brittany
For families with reservations for ZZ's 2020 litter, this video explains our current plans and how COVID may affect you. If you have any questions, email Carla at [email protected].
ZZ's OFA Results
Hunter’s Heart Kennels Reg'd has been breeding occasional litters of exceptional Brittany puppies since 1999, for hunters, scent detection, dogsports, and athletic partners for families that enjoy an active lifestyle.
Sorry reservations for our 2020 litter have closed. We only have a few spots left for reserving a puppy in 2021.
Please note Hunter's Heart does not dock our puppies' tails or remove dewclaws. These functional parts of the body help a dog to run at top speed, turn, climb out of icy waters, and balance, for maximum performance and longevity.
Kessler summarized: “The tail is not a limb but is an appendage… the muscular structure and activity are in integral part of the normal bodily shape and function, especially the perineal region… The tail is known to be a counter-balance for dogs in action, especially when moving at high speeds, turning sharply, balancing, jumping or climbing, and, according to traditional water-dog breeds, a rudder in the water'”.
We support the CVMA Position Statement on cosmetic alteration. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association Canine Tail Docking FAQ, justification of carrying out preventive tail amputation on working dogs “lack substantial scientific support”.
From bed bugs to birds, from narcotics to nosework, Dr. Carla Simon, MD, BSc, MBA has trained thousands of scent detection teams around the world. Since 1999, she has bred working Brittanys, best known for bed bug inspections. Carla is a Contributing Editor for the American Brittany Magazine, and Hunter's Heart has been featured in the Pointing Dog Journal, the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants Journal, Dogs in Canada, and Clean Run magazines.
We are now taking reservations for our 2022 litter. Please note puppies are generally reserved before the litter is born, so reserve early to avoid disappointment.